Waking The Dead

The Busters Waking The Dead Album


(*M & L:S. Breuer)

A light for your cigar, no problem sir!
Drop the ashes in my hands, and i say thanks
I don't even need peanuts
I just bend down and smile
Only late at night, i wonder why
I don't exist while my life passes by
Kick me in my ass, kick me in my balls
I'll be ready when the revolution calls

Allons enfants, on résiste!
Allons enfants, on resiste!
Allons enfants, on resiste!
Allons enfants, on resiste!

You need a shoeshine mister? i do it with my tongue
And if you want some music, meanwhile i sing a happy song
When you've got a cold, blow your nose in my hand
I'll do any kind of blow-job

Only late at night, i wonder why
I don't exist while my life passes by
Kick me in my ass, kick me in my balls
I'll be ready when the revolution calls

Allons enfants, on resiste!
Allons enfants, on resiste!
Allons enfants, on resiste!
Allons enfants, on resiste!

Les curs unis on va marcher
C'est notre droit de resister
Les curs unis on va marcher
C'est notre droit de resister
Les curs unis on va marcher
C'est notre droit de resister
Les curs unis on va marcher
C'est notre droit de resister
Les curs unis on va marcher
C'est notre droit de resister
Les curs unis on va marcher
C'est notre droit de resister

Allons enfants, on resiste!
Allons enfants, on resiste!
Allons enfants, on resiste!
Allons enfants, on resiste!